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Vacuum system - Druckversion

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Vacuum system - Vigri - 03.06.2009


When changing vacuum hoses on my car I noticed something interesting. There is some kind of a sensor/switch on the thermostat housing near water temperature sensor and there are pipe ends coming out of it. Marked 1; 2 and ? on the picture. Should the end marked as ? be opened as it is right now or is it supposed to be sealed? Also are the other to ends going to the right places? Ends of the hoses are marked with the numbers accordingly.
Car is 222 SR with 2,8 l engine and a catalyst converter.


RE: Vacuum system - Thorsten Ruge - 03.06.2009

Looks like everything good to go Vigri, as you can see below, but please recheck the routings yourself at your car:

[Bild: emissionsschema28l.th.gif] 

[Bild: vakuumschema28l.th.jpg] 

RE: Vacuum system - Vigri - 04.06.2009

Everything seems to be like on the picture you posted. So I think all is done properly. Thanks!