integrale schrieb:Servus,
Bin mir nicht sicher, ob Ihr mit der privaten Hotelbuchung auf der richtigen Strategie seid. Zumindest bei der offiziellen 90-Jahr Feier 2004 war es so, dass die ganzen Veranstaltungspunkte (Werksbesichtigung, Corso durch Modena, Aufstellung der Fahrzeuge auf der Piazza Roma im Centro Storico, Roadbook fuer den Transfer nach Rom, Galadinner und Abschlussveranstaltung am Sonntag in Rom) nur fuer Teilnehmer zugaenglich waren, die den offiziellen Event direkt ueber Maserati gebucht hatten. Und das war eine Komplettbuchung mit den Hotels und allem Drum und Dran und es gabe keine Teilpakete oder Varianten, nur Alles oder Nichts. Wenn dIe dfas zum 100-er wiedert so handhaben, sind die prtivaten Hotelbuchungen sinnlos. Also vielleicht doch mal erst abwarten, was Maserati denn plant?
Hi integrale,
We had the same discussion in our forum and finally, we decide to reserve the hotel by ourself because of the last Maserati International Rally in Switzerland. The price of the Rally was not far from 3200 euro for the weekend. Not everybody is able to pay this amount.
It's true that we do not know what Maserati is going to prepare but I had emails with the project manager and suggest to think also to the enthousiats people who are limited in theyre budget.
In any case, from Maseratitude, we are already 33 cars registered for the trip. We booked 60 bedrooms in two differents hotels not far from Modena to make sure that we are going to have a place to sleep.
We had contact also with the Club Maserati France and we espect about 20 more cars from them.
We booked the bedrooms from the 18th to the 22nd of September.
When Maserati will publish the program, of course, we will know more and it will be easier to organize ourself. We are thinking to participate at some events with Maserati (Parade, maybe restaurant, etc...) and to organize also some events around. There is a lot to do and to visit around Modena.
As I said earlier, we spoke already with the English from
http://www.SportsMaserati and they are also really enthousiast to come to Modena.