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steering gaiters
Does anyone know an equivalence for the 2 gaiters of the power steering rack (tie rod belows).?
Does the gaiters from the Volvo 240/740 power steering works?
It was said that the biturbo and Volco steering are quite similar...
The 2 diameters are 14mm and 50mm.

unfortunately those guides are not from the volvo, but made by trw-italia only
do you have the enclosed pws-rack at your car? where is the specific problem to fix which part?
I need the belows
Part No. 320250033
Supercedes To Part No. 390250080
Mine rubbers (soufflet de direction) have some holes on them. I want to replace them along with the tier rod end (rotule de direction)
You'll get those parts in USA at MIE(http://maseratinet.com/SPARE_PARTS/perfe...iturbo.asp ), and Auto Italia in California, Lenny Celeberti(http://www.auto-italia.com/ ).
If your boots(rubbers) are already leaking you can order new or refurbished steering racks from both vendors as well, because it sounds like your piston shaft gaskets are already shot.
I have asked MIE, they do not carry them. I do not deal too much with AutoItalia because some of their parts are more expensive than at a Maserati garage here in Europe.

I can go for universal boots/rubbers/gaiters but I prefer to find the equivalent, these boots are very common parts.

My steering is leaking on one side but this is quite small, I do not need to complete the oil level and can wait better days

Ok, MIE is not having the 418-kit but all parts as single parts, i.e. you can buy single boots from them as well, they are even still having single top gaskets for the plate valve cap of the rack.

Also, you can get everything very affordable as good, but used parts from Joe at the Maserati Compound, he is a reliable vendor too: http://www.themaseraticompound.com 

Btw., it seames to me the boots are having the same size at both sides without looking them up at my spares now?

[Bild: trwlenkg.th.jpg] 
MIE doe not have the boots even as individual and these parts are better not to buy second hand, (I can also repair the present boots). Besides I have already dealt with Joe. Yes these boots seem symetrical, the two diameters at both end are 50mm and 14 mm.

Since the parts shop never give the dimensions of the boots, it is hard to know which boots of which car fit. Sure they are some other car which has the same boot, but which model? There may be me a manufacturer and a Part Number of the Maserati boots?

I know for the tie rod, but not for the boots !

I have several of those racks and boots available, will measure them just for curiosity if I gonna awake my beauties from hibernation in the later spring.
This with MIE is new, since I got boots from them a couple of years ago. The still have subcontractors refurbishing the complete racks including the boots for them, so, there must be a source as well. Since your rack is leaking, the sliders are shot.
Lift your car up and srew the steering rod of the leaking side with an 11mm wrench out of the joint. Do not forget to mark the position of thread and counter nut to the joint before doing that! Then pull the boot off the rod and turn it inside out! Clean it thoroughly with solvant and plug the holes with rubber filler. Then coat the inside with resistant grade silicon,- it should last for years.

Et nous préférons allemand, si possible pour tout les Maseratist lisant dans ce forum ici, mon ami s'il vous plaît !
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Dies ist eine gute Idee. Was wollen Sie durch " sagen; beständigem Gradsilikon, " Was sie Malerei?
Sitzen drei Ostfriesen auf einer Bank, kommt ein Quattroporte, hält an, ein stämmiger Mann steigt aus und fragt:
"Moin, wissen Sie den Weg nach Emden? Habe mich verfahren."
Keine Reaktion der Ostfriesen.
"Please, can you tell me the way to Emden"?
Keine Reaktion der Ostfriesen.
"Parlez vous francais"?
Keine Reaktion der Ostfriesen.
Der Mann steigt in seinen QP und fährt weg.
Der erste Ostfriese:
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Der zweite:
"Jau, intelligent war er ock, dreee Sprochen hät he snackt".
Der dritte:
"Jau, aber jenützt hätt es ihm jo nix".

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